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Days Gone Makes You Afraid Again

At E3, SIE Bend Studio unveiled its new PS4 game Days Gone. A zombie, post-apocalyptic, open-world adventure, Days Gone follows the story of Deacon St. John — a drifter and bounty hunter fighting for survival in the High Desert of the Pacific Northwest.

The gameplay trailer was surreal, after the video I honestly felt tired. The zombies were literally countless. Deacon had used all of his cool moves, Logs ignited by dynamite, a chainsaw machine, Molotovs, ducks, feints, crawls and countless bullets but those zombies weren't thinning out. 

As a Resident Evil gamer, I know how to kill zombies and a certain confidence is in place but this game just provides too much and in an almost eerie way you feel the hopelessness of the situation.

I am one of the excited gamers waiting for Days Gone.

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