Globe Broadband Prepaid Visibility now only Php1,895

Globe Broadband Prepaid Visibility made more affordable, now for only Php1,895 with free load. Hurry! Go to your nearest Globe business centers and Globelines Payments & Services centers now!
And there's more! Globe has enhanced its duration-based charging to improve your mobile browsing experience. Read the FAQs below for more details.
Q: What is the enhanced Duration-Based Charging?
A: In the enhanced Duration Based-Charging, the subscriber will not be charged for multiple connect-disconnect browsing. For as long as it is within the 15 minutes browsing you will only be charged P5, regardless of how many times you connect and disconnect.
Q: How can I avail of the new mobile browsing charging?
A: Every Globe subscriber who does mobile browsing is now charged with the enhanced duration-based charging.
Please see different scenarios below to understand how you will be charged using the enhanced duration-based charging:
SCENARIO 1: Subscriber browsed starting at 10:00am, then subs disconnected at 10:05am, then connects again at 10:10am, and disconnected at 10:15am, he/she will be charged P5 only as the 2nd connection is still within the first 15- minute block
SCENARIO 2: Subscriber browsed starting at 10:00am, then subs disconnected at 10:05am, then connects again at 10:10am, but this time disconnected at 10:16am, he/she will be charged P10 already as he has already consumed the first 15-minute block and has started another 15-minute block at 10:16am.
SCENARIO 3: Subscriber browsed starting at 10:00am, then subs disconnected at 10:05am, then connects again at 10:16am, and then disconnected at 10:36am. Subscriber will be charged P15 because there were 3 15 minute-blocks that were consumed --1st 15-minute block from 10:00am - 10:15am), 2nd was from 10:16am – 10:30am, and 3rd 15-minute block was from 10:31am – 10:36am
Photo credits: J Angelo Racoma
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