Unnecessary Mascotry #juanvote

The elections is a huge nationwide fiesta. We can see singers, dancers and the requisite politician sing and dance. The campaign period can show a lot of performances, whether they are entertaining or disgusting is up to the person watching it.
Mascots are reserved for birthday parties and fast food joints. Their effect to the children range from making them cry to making them laugh. If that is the case can you imagine seeing a politician's imagery blown up into a freaking mascot?

Appreciating mascots is really a subjective experience. Personally I couldn't care less( but hey its just me and I had a weird fear of Suzie and Geno, the Sustagen mascots). If you look at it closely, the effect it has is purely for entertainment purposes and the real vote getter is the politician himself. If the person has a pure and genuine political platform of governance, the mascot is not needed but it does not mean that the mascots are not really awesome. They are.
This article is part of the #juanvote collaboration project.
(Cross-posted at Medyo Gwapo)
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