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Microsoft Executive hits Nintendo Wii's Capabilities

Robbie Bach, president of Microsoft's Entertainment and Devices division, recently targeted the Wii's supposedly inferior graphic abilities compared to the original XBOX in an interview.
So, is Nintendo disrupting things for you, or were you surprised to see them?

I'm actually not--the product has gotten more broad-base [sic] aclRobbie Bach, president of Microsoft’s Entertainment & Devices Divisionaim that I would have expected. It's a very nice product, but it actually has a relatively specific audience and a fairly specific appeal, frankly, based on one feature, which is the controller itself. And the rest of the product is actually not a great product--no disrespect, but...the video graphics on it aren't very strong; the box itself is kind of underpowered; it doesn't play DVDs; there are a lot of down-line components [that] aren't actually that interesting.

The challenge they have is that third parties aren't going to make much money on this platform because Nintendo is going to make all that money, and their ability to compete with something like a Halo or produce an experience like Madden on their system is going to be tough. They don't have the graphics horsepower that even Xbox 1 had. So it makes sort of the comparison set a little bit difficult.

Who needs an oversized DVD player? I can count with my right hand on the number of times I used my PlayStation 2 and XBOX to play DVDs. Video game consoles are meant for games.

And with the success of Wii Sports, you could clearly see that good graphics doesn't really mean great games. Microsoft's just bitter since Nintendo was successful in introducing a sort of internet-tv machine in homes, unlike them, who've been trying for years and have failed.

This is Nintendo's world Microsoft and you can't do anything about it, unless you buy Nintendo and every single Japanese developer out there ;)

Read the interview here.

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