Pirates 'R Us - Cheap Nintendo DS Rip-Offs

Remember those cheap water games our moms used to buy us when we're still kids? Well apparently, those toys are still being manufactured. This time, instead of boring looking cases, they're now housed on a case that resembles a Nintendo DS.

Very simple toy. Just press the button to generate some bubbles and get the coin, bricks, rings, or whatever is inside to a pole or hole.

If you want to get electronic, then grab yourself one of this mini DS-like brickgame called Revolve Game or simply RG. Don't expect to play 3D games though. They're similar to those brickgames sold a few years back that includes 20+ brick based games (racing, pong, tetris, etc.)

They also come in different colors! The RG costs 580 Yen or roughly 237 Philippine Pesos at rakuten.co.jp
And of course, the ever popular (and crappy) Neo Double Games that was made popular by Dr. Ashen. I think this crap has a "Lite" version. Haven't seen one yet here. May I'll drop by at 168 Mall tomorrow. :~)
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