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Pirates 'R Us - The Pocket XP

Introducing the latest GameBoy knock-off from our pirate friends, the Pocket XP. I spotted this last week from where else, Toys 'R Us Trinoma. Retailing for about Php4,500 ($1 USD = Php 49.50), this knock of can do way more than its One Station, Popstation and Neo Double Games cousins can.

Instead of just mimicking the physical appearance of the GameBoy Advance SP, the not so cheap Pocket XP can play ALL GameBoy Advance cartridges. Yes, including those multi-in-one GBA cartridges.

Besides the ability to play GameBoy Advance cartridges, this knock-off also has about 16 built-in games like Tiger Rescue.

The REAL GameBoy Advance SP with the Pocket XP

Why not buy the real thing instead of wasting your money on this expensive crap? The GameBoy Advance SP and Pocket XP are both priced Php4K++ at Toys 'R Us Trinoma anyway.

*The pirate giraffe logo courtesy of DS Fanboy's Eric Caoli

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  1. hi
    I wanna buy three pices of Pocket XP new one for my kids... online ..
    any one can help

  2. helo,
    any one can tell me how we can switch to other game in pocket xp .

  3. how can i download games from pc to pocket xp ? thnx for anyone who can help me. i will w8 for suggestions


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