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Duck Hunt for the iPhone

Remember Duck Hunt and your very first Zapper experience on the Nintendo Entertainment System? Well if you have an iPhone, you can relieve those moments (without the Zapper of course) by buying the Duck Hunt from the App Store for US$0.99.

This is obviously an unlicensed port and Nintendo might point their Zappers at the developers. So if you want to relieve zapping those ducks without actually killing one, buy the Duck Hunt for the iPhone at the App Store before Nintendo pulls the trigger.

(Via VentureBeat)


  1. yeah i remember poping ducks with my zapper before it was a very cool experience in the 80s, but how does duck hunt on iphone work? you touch the ducks and they fall to the ground? or you just zap them with your eyes? hehehe

  2. Hi, i dowloaded several apps of duck hunt in the iphone. the best one is called "Mario Ducks", best graphics, best gameplay and most challenging! check more info:


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