Feed A Homeless Family This Christmas

Want to get your hands on that awesome Spidey animation cell while at the same time helping feed a homeless family on Christmas Eve? If your answer is yes then head over to Comicology and start placing your bids!
Our friends over at Comicology will be auctioning 3 animation cells from the Amazing SpiderMan cartoon series until December 18th. The highest bidder(s) will get the animation cells and on Christmas Eve (or Day), one homeless family in Makati will be treated with some good food using the money from the auction.
Here’s the plan:
- Bids are entered via comments. Indicate which animation cell you are bidding for. C’mon, guys, it’s for a cause so don’t be stingy. I hope you guys put up more than it’s actually worth.
- Come December 18, 2009, the highest bidder wins the animation cell.
- I’ll take the monies and come Christmas night (24th or 25th, depending on when I can find a homeless family here in Makati), I’ll buy some good food for a homeless family here in Makati. There are a lot of them, actually, over at CBD. The winning party may come with if he desires, but that’s Christmas, so I doubt it.
Place your bids now at Comicology!
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