Nihonsei: I Ai Anime

Konnichiwa minna-san!
Last July 10 and 11, I Ai Anime took place in SM Megamall Megatrade Hall 2. All I can say is the event was a success in some terms. Read on to know more about the said event.
The Ozine Cafe was hit due to the fact that girls wearing costumes are serving onogiri. The jail booth brings back memories of high school and the horror booth served its purpose. The usual marketplace was there. The main attraction of the event is not surprisingly the cosplay competition and the cos-trip (cosplay tripping, not stripping). Speaking of cosplay, it has come to my attention that some cosplayers block the passage near the Megatrade Hall 2. Come on, you don't own the mall, so don't pose right in the middle of the passageway. There are free spaces in front of Megatrade Hall 1,2 and 3 and hanging out at the narrow passageway was not a good idea. To the organizers, you should orient the cosplayers or issue a notice regarding this matter. Remember that the reputation of cosplay is at stake here. Then there was the opening of Megatrade Hall 1 which I think was a bad move. I don't know if either SM or the organizers of I Ai Anime were responsible for the opening of Megatrade Hall 1 but it greatly affected the volume of people inside Hall 2. Some shops were complaining that the drop of customers affected them and opening hall 1 was not a good idea. I hope the problems stated here can be prevented next time around not just for I Ai Anime.
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