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Breaking News


Sony PlayStation Portable 2 (PSP2) Unveiled

Sony has officially unveiled the next generation PlayStation Portable. Codenamed Next Generation Portable or NGP, the new handheld features a high-resolution, touch-sensitive OLED screen, tilt-sensitive SIXAXIS controls, dual analog sticks, front and back-facing cameras, a touch sensitive back panel, GPS, WIFI and 3G wireless connectivity and a new storage format.

Hardware specs:

  • CPU: TBD
  • RAM: TBD
  • Storage:
  • Display: 5 inch OLED with 960 x 544 resolution
  • Wireless: WiFi, 3G, GPS
  • Inputs: Touchscreen, touch sensitive back panel, D-pad, L/R shoulder buttons, standard PlayStation buttons


  • Uncharted
  • Killzone
  • WipeOut
  • Resistance
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Hustle Kings
  • Hot Shots Golf


    1. It is good imformation to know more. Thanks for share!

    2.  Additional packages are in development from a single Move controller to an “uber package” that bundles in the Move, the PlayStation Eye, and the PlayStation 3. Play for impress to me.


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