Pokemon Go To Implement Generation 2 Pokemon Soon
It's been all a rumor in the past but Niantic will finally roll out the Generation 2 Pokemon or also called the Johto Pokemon in-game,
The official Pokemon Twitter account tweeted this last night and looks like the it will implemented a few days after the official announcement on December 12, 2016 that also involve a global event.
More Pokémon are coming to #PokemonGO! Stay tuned for details on 12/12, Trainers! pic.twitter.com/KOfScNpKdr— Pokémon (@Pokemon) December 7, 2016
I'm so gonna get that Porygon2!
What could be that global event?
Also, an update will be rolled out soon:
Pokémon GO updated to version 0.49.1 for Android and 1.19.1 for iOSTrainers,Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.49.1 for Android and 1.19.1 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team.
Trainers will be able to transfer multiple Pokémon at a time to Professor Willow. To use this function, press and hold on a Pokémon. Pokémon type icons have been added to the Gym battle approach and Gym battle screen. The total Candy count for your Buddy Pokémon has been added to the buddy information screen. The total kilometers a buddy has walked has been added to the information screen of each Pokémon that has ever been your buddy. Minor text fixes.
The Pokémon GO team
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