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Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Review From A Star Trek Junkie's Perspective

As a long-time Star Trek fan, I was excited to hear about the return of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew in Star Trek: Picard's third season. After watching the season, I can say with complete honesty that I was not disappointed. I know I am biased, having grown up with the show, but this season was everything I had hoped for and more. I would rate it an 11 out of 10, and the appearance of the USS Enterprise-D was undoubtedly the highlight of the season for me.

The season kicked off with a bang as we saw Gates McFadden return as Doctor Beverly Crusher, on the run with her son Jack, who turns out to be the love child of Jean-Luc Picard. Picard is seen sitting at his vineyard, contemplating his life and adventures of yesteryear. Throughout the season, Picard enlists friends old and new to help save his loved ones and the Federation itself, which is under threat from a malicious force. The return of the Next Generation cast and the characters' changes since we last saw them were a delight to watch, with each actor given so much to play with.

The theme of legacy was apparent throughout the season, and we see each character grappling with their inheritance and responsibilities. Geordi's daughters are introduced, Seven of Nine grapples with her inheritance of the responsibilities of Starfleet, and Riker and Troi continue to deal with the loss of their son. The Borg Queen's legacy comes into play as well, fighting to preserve her race while devouring her "children" to do so. The whole season was a trip down memory lane, and I appreciated the callbacks to previous Star Trek series.

Occasionally, the plot felt underbaked, and there were stretches of episodes where our heroes were trapped in a game of cat and mouse in a nebula that never really recaptured the tension of Wrath of Khan. However, the introduction of a rogue faction of Deep Space Nine villains was an interesting development that added to the storyline. Amanda Plummer's Vadic, the leader of this new breed of Changeling, gave a unique performance, and her homage to her real-life dad, Christopher Plummer, who was the Klingon General Chang in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, was touching.

In conclusion, Star Trek: Picard's third season was a satisfying end to the series, and as a Star Trek fan, I can say that it was everything I wanted it to be. The appearance of the USS Enterprise-D was a joyous moment that brought tears to my eyes, and I am grateful for the trip down memory lane. If you're a Star Trek fan, I highly recommend giving this season a watch.

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