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Movie Experience at Ayala Mall Cinemas Vertis North Branch

Guardians of the Galaxy fans wouldn't want to miss out on the third volume, playing in cinemas everywhere. Unfortunately, our experience watching it at the Ayala Mall Cinemas Vertis North Branch wasn't as enjoyable as we had hoped.

Let's start with the good news: the movie itself gets a 3.5/5 rating from me. But, the wrong movie house we picked dampened our experience, and I left feeling disappointed. I had high expectations for this cinema, given my previous visits. However, this time, the air conditioning system wasn't up to par. It was hot, humid, and uncomfortable, ruining the entire experience for us.

We were seated near the projection room in seat J16-18, making it a hassle to go up and down, especially after an exhausting leg day workout. We even brought jackets expecting it to be chilly inside, but we were drenched in sweat the minute we took our seats.

To make matters worse, while waiting for our Grab car to pick us up, I chatted with some of the security personnel and complained about the poor AC conditions in Cinema 2. I asked if I could talk to the cinema's admin to make a formal complaint. Sadly, I was informed that the person in charge had already gone home for the day. To my dismay, I overheard the security personnel discussing that there would be a block screening in Cinema 2 at 2 pm the next day. It seemed like the cinema management neglected their duty to check the temperature of the entire cinema and provide a comfortable movie experience for all their customers.

To summarize, I do not recommend watching movies in this Ayala Mall Cinemas branch, given their lack of attention to detail and customer service. As a moviegoer, it is essential to book your tickets in cinemas that prioritize their clients' comfort and well-being.

(cover image via Vertis North)

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