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Former General Luna Vocalist Nicole Asensio Trolls Stalker

Nicole Asensio had enough of her Facebook stalker and finally found a way to reply.
Remember my stalker from my fanpage inbox who got famous on ‪#‎9gag‬ ? Well he's back at it... And I just found the BEST way to finally reply...

THANK YOU ‪#‎Adele‬ !!!!

I can't believe this actually worked
Sorry man.

Click image to enlarge
Aside from sending messages to her Facebook Page, the stalker apparently keeps posting weird number combinations on her photos. This guy is probably psychotic a psychic and those numbers could be winning PCSO Lotto combinations. XD

So far, I haven't reached this level of creepy when I stalked Maria O... WAIT. I'm not a stalker. K. Bye.

via Nicole Asensio

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